We work with extroversion and innovation

    Dadakarides Salt S.A. is one of the most important sources of salt for industrial use, with a dynamic presence in Greece and abroad. We are a Greek family business of four generations, active in the processing and trade of salt since 1912.


    Our company is headquartered at private facilities of 24,000 sq.m. in Langadas, Thessaloniki. Our processed, raw and recrystallized salt products cover over 10,000 applications in many sectors of the economy, and our capacity exceeds 100,000 tons/ year. Currently, Dadakarides Salt S.A. covers a significant part of the domestic industrial salt market, while 60% of its production is intended for foreign markets.

    It is with this expertise and accumulated know-how that we work and do not stop developing new innovative products and solutions for all sectors in need of salt, always offering the best quality-price ratio.


    We are experts in industrial packaging salt.


    What do a fish cannery in Sarajevo have in common with a hotel in Rhodes, a detergent manufacturing industry in Sofia, a tannery in Belgrade, a cheese factory in Skopje with a raw materials supermarket in Hamburg, a swimming pool maintenance specialist in Nuremberg and an oil mill in Kalamata? They all need top quality industrial salt products at the best price. Dadakarides Salt S.A. is in the position to respond to and reliably cover this need.

    We are privileged to serve diverse markets and industries, being thus motivated to look for the best solutions for each case. This allows us to adapt our production to small- or large-scale requirements, enrich our know-how and respond to extraordinary needs and specifications of different industries. It helps us to be creative, fast and efficient.

    We produce and trade processed, raw and recrystallized salt products reaching 100,000 tons per year, covering a significant share of the Greek market, while at the same time we export our products to Southeast Europe and Eastern Mediterranean countries, serving many industrial and professional sectors:

    • Food preparation and standardization industries (nuts, olives, spices, bakery, mass catering, confectionery, canneries)
    • Fish production and fish farms
    • Textile dyeing and finishing plants and clothing industries
    • Agricultural units
    • Tanneries
    • Cosmetology and pharmaceutical industry
    • Water softening and swimming pools
    • Snow removal services

    Our export network in Europe currently includes Cyprus, Albania, Republic of North Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Malta, Romania, Poland, Germany, Czech Republic, Moldova, Serbia, Hungary. These partnerships strengthen our company in times of sweeping changes, confirm the quality of our products and give us the impetus to expand our activity and develop our story.

  • SINCE 1912

    Meaningful steps forward

    The history of Dadakarides Salt S.A. begins almost 110 years ago, in 1912, when Konstantinos Dadakarides, from Abdira Thrace, became a salt keeper and salt merchant in Thessaloniki.

    The small manual processing unit he created in Ladadika district was bringing salt from the salt pans of Angelochori and supplied the businesses of Thessaloniki and its suburbs. Thanks to the genuine value of salt, the family survived the occupation. With lessons learnt from those hard times, deep appreciation for the gifts of nature and hard work, Dadakarides Salt S.A. has been moving effectively and quietly through the business history of Greece.

    During the 80's it pioneered, joining forces with important companies in Europe. Thus, it was able to offer its customers better pricing policies and higher quality of service, gained greater specialization and promoted the principles of fair competition, opening the horizons of the Greek market and the salt industry.

    Today, Dadakarides Salt S.A. is a large industry with modern facilities in Langadas, Thessaloniki. The lead of the company successively passed from its founder to the younger members of the family, who brought, each time, their cutting-edge approaches in production and management.

    With the privilege of a distinct and strong corporate culture, built on the heritage and transgenerational character of the company, Dadakarides Salt S.A., makes 110 years of age in year 2022, and steps into the future seeking to always take meaningful steps.


    • Konstantinos Dadakarides founds the company, which is activated in the trade of food, raw salt, Cretan oil, matches and soap

    • Argyris Dadakarides starts the manual packing of animal feed salt

    • Themistocles Dadakarides founds a salt processing laboratory in the Industrial Area of Western Thessaloniki

    • New modern industrial unit built in Langadas, Thessaloniki

    • Collaboration with SALINS and opening to foreign markets

    • Export activity expanded and cooperation with Europe's largest salt producer K&S (formerly ESCO) started, renowned for its consistent product quality and leadership in salt processing and production of salt products

    • Teta Dadakaridou takes over management of the company

    • First fully automated packaging and palletizing line with a capacity of 600 bags/ hour installed

    • ΚΙΟ3 iodization line installed, contributing to further increase of exports to the Balkans

    • Cooperation agreement signed with the largest wholesale and import salt distribution company in Bulgaria (KODAG), for packaging with their own logo, for distribution of salt in the country's industrial units

    • Second automatic packaging-palletizing line installed, increasing packaging capacity by 600 bags/ hour

    • Creation of a new indoor warehouse for trading products with a capacity of 1000 tons of products, giving the company additional flexibility

    • Creation of a partnership with a salt distribution company in Athens and Southern Greece which results in a 25% increase in the products traded

    • Staff involved in production increased by 50%

    • Production in 2 shifts activated, to double the production of processed salt

    • Installation and operation of 3 automatic packaging and pulping lines completed, with packaging increased capacity by additional 800 bags/ hour


    We adopt solutions for every need

    Since 1978, Dadakarides Salt S.A. has been operating in private facilities extending over an area of 24,000 sq.m and include our offices, ceiled warehouse for raw salt and raw materials, workshop, quality control and production department and warehouses for supplies and finished products, where the goods are palletized and loaded.


    Here, at the factory, the trucks of our fleet bring the selected raw material, intially picked up by our own crane at the port, and delivered to our specialized personnel.

    For us, at Dadakarides Salt S.A., upgrading the infrastructure and continuous modernization are key to our business strategy. Our new investments in digital transformation, installation of modern applications for electronic management and service of our customers and modern means of communication make our business outward-looking, reliable and sustainable, and allow us to be flexible in order to reliably respond to your special requirements and specifications, to respond quickly to emergency needs and to offer the best quality-price ratio.


    We control all stages with flexibility

    The raw material from several salt flats in the Mediterranean, including Greece, once received in its natural form, currently reaches our premises partially processed, upon sieving, washing and removal of salt stones. That is why we are very strict when selecting our suppliers.


    Our business responds to your specific needs, to offer you better value for money and meet your exact specifications, operating in full compliance with certified procedures and quality product control, both at collection and at all processing and standardization stages.

    Production is carried out through a closed circuit of three stages, drying - storage - packaging, with seven magnets at different points, allowing us to offer the best quality of salt, without any chemicals or other harmful substances added. The system consists of state-of-the-art high-capacity equipment, with a management commitment to continuous improvement, and consists of:

    • sea salt washing line
    • 2 drying lines of 12 and 10 tons/hour and a backup line of 10 tons/hour capacity
    • sieve with a productivity of 20 tons/hour
    • 2 hammer mills
    • 5 breakers
    • 5 salt feed silos
    • 9 baked salt storage silos
    • baked and raw salt iodization line
    • 3 automatic packaging machines for 30 and 25 kg bags, FFS & open mouth bag, with a total capacity of 2,000 bags/hour
    • 2 automatic palletizers and pallet wrappers
    • 1 packaging machine for 5kg and 10 kg bags

    Thanks to the above:

    1. The Company owns:
    • at least 9 basic granulometric grades of pure salt,
    • at least 3 granulometric qualities of baked industrial salt,
    • 3 granulometric grades of high purity raw salt
    1. We are the only company in Greece using potassium iodate for the iodization of sea salt (intended exclusively for export).
    2. We are able to pack on four production lines simultaneously and seamlessly:
    • processed salt in bags (30-25Kg) and/or in big bags,
    • baked industrial salt in sacks (30-25Kg) and/or in big bags,
    • packed salt in a bag (10-5Kg),
    • raw salt in a bag (30-25Kg) and/or in a big bag,

    The above are packaged either with our own logo or as a private label (PL) for your own business.


      Salt is a teacher

      Φυσικό και πολυδύναμο. Η απουσία του “φωνάζει” και η παρουσία του επιτάσσει μέτρο και εμπνέει σεβασμό σε ό,τι μας δίνεται απλόχερα από τη γη, τον αέρα, το νερό. Το αλάτι είναι πηγή ζωής. Για μας, στην Αλάτι Δαδακαρίδης ΑΕ, αποτελεί εκτός από το προϊόν μας, την αξιακή βάση της επιχειρηματικής μας διαδρομής και δομικό στοιχείο της εταιρικής μας κουλτούρας. Συνέπεια, ευελιξία, ζωή, κληρονομιά - με αυτές τις αρχές, εμπνευσμένες από το ίδιο το αλάτι, πορευόμαστε και στεκόμαστε ακέραιοι απέναντι στον επιχειρηματικό μας σκοπό και τον κοινωνικό μας ρόλο.


      Σε έναν κόσμο που αλλάζει ραγδαία, θέλουμε ο λόγος μας να αποτελεί συμβόλαιο. Η συνέπεια για εμάς, στην Αλάτι Δαδακαρίδης ΑΕ αποτελεί ένα σταθερό σημείο επιδίωξης και αναφοράς για τις επιχειρήσεις που μας εμπιστεύονται, τους συνεργάτες και τους εργαζόμενούς μας, αλλά και έναν δυναμικό μηχανισμό αυτοβελτίωσης, αδιάκοπης μάθησης και υπεύθυνης δράσης, που μας κάνει πιο ανταγωνιστικούς σε εθνικό και διεθνές επίπεδο.


      Προσαρμόζουμε την παραγωγή μας στις ειδικές ανάγκες των πελατών μας και αφιερώνουμε χρόνο στον εντοπισμό της κατάλληλης συνταγής και της ειδικής επεξεργασίας που απαιτείται, προκειμένου κάθε εταιρεία που μας αναθέτει την τροφοδοσία της να έχει το αλάτι που χρειάζεται, τη σωστή αλατότητα, την κατάλληλη κοκκομετρική σύσταση, τις προδιαγραφές που καλύπτουν απόλυτα τις επιλογές της. Όλα γίνονται με σύμφωνα εμπιστευτικότητας, αμεσότητα και ουσιαστική επικοινωνία.


      Ό,τι έχει αληθινή αξία περικλείεται σε αυτή τη μικρή λέξη. Γεννά και τροφοδοτεί την επιθυμία μας για πρόοδο και συμμετοχή. Ό,τι κάνουμε θέλουμε να υπηρετεί τη ζωή. Αυτή είναι η ουσία και το μέτρο μας για κάθε προϊόν που παράγουμε, για τους ανθρώπινους δεσμούς που αναπτύσσουμε και υπηρετούμε, για τη θέση που αξιώνουμε να έχουμε μέσα στην κοινωνία και το περιβάλλον, όπου δραστηριοποιούμαστε.


      Στην Αλάτι Δαδακαρίδης ΑΕ συνδυάζουμε τον οικογενειακό χαρακτήρα με τον σταθερό εκσυγχρονισμό στη λειτουργία μας και την εφαρμογή τεχνολογικών και διοικητικών εξελίξεων. Η κληρονομιά δεν αφορά μόνο τη σχέση μας με το παρελθόν, είναι κίνητρο στο σήμερα, για να διαφυλάξουμε όσα παραλάβαμε και όσα θα παραδώσουμε στο μέλλον. Για εμάς αυτό είναι ο μόνος σίγουρος δρόμος για μακροημέρευση και πρόοδο.

      Αποστολή & Όραμα

      Επιχειρούμε σε απαιτητικές τοπικές και διεθνείς αγορές. Στηριζόμαστε στους ανθρώπους μας. Επιδιώκουμε διαρκώς, τη δημιουργία αξίας για τους πελάτες μας, για το ανθρώπινο δυναμικό μας και την ελληνική οικονομία.

      Όραμά μας είναι να γίνουμε η κορυφαία πηγή άλατος βιομηχανικής χρήσης στη Νοτιοανατολική Ευρώπη, με σεβασμό για το περιβάλλον και την κοινωνία και με επιτεύγματα που θα εμπνεύσουν και θα στηρίξουν τις επόμενες γενιές.


      We are passionate about involvement and empowerment

      We think salt is not just a product, but a carrier of culture and family tradition. It is our way to participate in society and to reflect the power this “white gem” gives us in business.


      Therefore, Dadakarides Salt S.A. facilities are always open to students and their teachers. We promote zero waste, circular operation and we seek to further develop it, by working with environmental organizations that can us minimize our footprint on Earth.

      We also support all educational activities related to salt and actively participate in efforts, such as the establishment and operation of the Salt Museum in Messolonghi. We are proud of this contribution and collaboration with the dedicated initiators of the museum, who gave a home to one of the great pieces of the history and economy of our country.

      Supporting the Salt Museum also brought us closer to the Goulandris Museum of Natural History, where we contribute to the visitors' educational tour with rare types of salt, historical documents and informational material. At the same time, together with the Child's Smile, one can find us at the gift shop of the museum, with garments and delicious chocolates made by Mina Apostolidi, who support the purposes of the organization.

      With the Smile of the Child, as well as with other organizations, social grocery stores, community groups, municipalities and charitable associations, we have consolidated our cooperation, by covering heating, food and housing needs of persons in need. We think salt is power and we are committed to give this empowerment to everyone we can.