Terms of use

Terms of use

This Website is owned by the Société Anonyme “DADAKARIDES SALT SA”, distinctive title “SALT SA”, (hereinafter referred to as “Website”). The Website is the electronic space for communication and information regarding the services provided by the Société Anonyme “DADAKARIDES SALT SA”, (hereinafter referred to as “Company”). The Website features the Company's commitment to excellent quality and service in the field of salt trade.


Head office: 2nd km Langadas - Kolchiko, Thessaloniki

VAT: 094189596

Using the Website is subject to the conditions listed herein (hereinafter “Terms of Use”) as well as the other informative links that are integral parts of the Website, i.e. the Privacy Policy and the Cookies Policy. The user is invited to carefully study the Terms of Use and to use the Website only such terms are fully accepted. In case of disagreement with the Terms of Use, users are invited to refrain from using the services and content of this Website.

Users are requested to regularly check the Terms of Use of the Website for any changes. Continuing to use the Website after any changes means the user's unreserved acceptance thereof.

Intellectual Property Rights

Apart from the expressly mentioned exceptions (copyrights of third parties and collaborators, as well as the intellectual property of the source code, which belongs to the company which developed the Website), all the Website content which -indicatively- includes informational material of any form, texts, images, designs, logos, etc. is the intellectual property of the Company and protected by the applicable national, European and international law on trademarks, industrial and intellectual property and unfair competition. None of this material may, wholly or in part, be sold, copied, modified, reproduced, republished or stored, transmitted or distributed in any way.

The case of individual storage of one single copy of part of the content on a computer, for strictly personal and not public or commercial use and without erasing their indication of origin from the Website is excepted, without affecting the relevant intellectual and industrial property rights in any way.

The Company, in case of infringement of the above rights, reserves the right to claim any damage caused to the same, direct or indirect, positive or consequential, in accordance with the provisions of the legislation currently in force.

User responsibility

Users are obliged to comply with the rules and provisions of Greek, European and International Law and the legislation on telecommunications, and refrain from any illegal and abusive behavior when visiting/using the Website. They are also obliged to use the Website in accordance with the law, good manners and the Terms of Use, and not to proceed to any acts or omissions that might cause damage or malfunction to the Website, affect or endanger the provision of services through the Website. Finally, users assume to restore any damages caused to the Company and/or the Website by bad, illegal or unfair use of the Website and the services offered through the same.

Limitation of Liability – Disclaimer

The Company does its best to ensure smooth function of the Website without, however, guaranteeing that, despite taking all the required security measures, its functions and operation of the hosting servers will be uninterrupted, without any kind of error, free of viruses or other harmful elements.

The Company, in all circumstances, including the case of negligence, shall not responsible for any damage, direct or indirect, related in any way to the use of the services and the content of the Website suffered by any user, who is using the website on their own initiative, being aware of and accepting the Terms of Use.

All users must take all appropriate security measures (such as anti-virus software) before accessing the Website. The cost of any possible corrections or repairs shall be borne exclusively by the user and in no case by the Company.

The Website functions as a means of communication and information regarding the services provided by the Company. The Company bears no responsibility for any damage to a third party due to an action or omission based in whole or in part on the content of the Website. The information included on the Website is an informative offer to users, does not constitute legal advice and in no way conceals an invitation to perform a specific action or omission.

Links to other Websites

Connection of the Website with other websites through links is made for the convenience and more complete information of the users; using these links is the responsibility of the users themselves. These websites are subject to their own Terms of Use, which the Company bears no responsibility for.

The Company seeks the best possible quality and reliability of the websites which it is linked to. It cannot, however, check at any time the availability, content, completeness of the services and the personal data protection policy of such websites, nor intervene with corrections in their content.

For any issue occurring when visiting/using the websites to which the Company links, users must inform the Company and directly contact these websites, which are responsible for the provision of their services. The Company is not responsible for any direct or indirect, positive or consequential damage to any user, resulting from the use of the possibility of interconnection with the said websites.

Social media

This Website allows users to react with the Social Media, through the Facebook and Instagram Like options. This option may allow access to each user's social media accounts. The Company does not have any access to these social media services nor to the user profiles. However, it highly recommends users to read all information about the respective social media services before making the reaction available on the Website, in order to be better informed regarding privacy policies. The Company shall not be held liable for the actions or omissions of any social media service provider or for the use of the options included in their platform by users.

Applicable Law – Other Terms

The Terms of Use, as well as any change or modification thereof, are governed and supplemented by Greek law, European Union law and relevant international treaties. In the event of failure to amicably resolve a dispute or difference, the case shall be under the exclusive competency of the Courts of Thessaloniki.

In case any provision of the Terms of Use becomes contrary to the law, it shall automatically cease to be valid and shall be removed, without affecting the validity of the other terms in any way.

This is an agreement between the Company and the users of the Website and is binding only to them. No modification of the Terms of Use shall be considered and shall not form a part of this Agreement unless it is set forth in writing and incorporated herein.

Since the Terms of Use may be amended, users are invited to regularly review the contents hereof and check for any changes.

Last update: 14.06.2022